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Lexa Records is proud to partner with the Association of Health Information Outsourcing Services, AHIMA and TXHIMA


Lexa Records is proud to partner with AHIOS

Established in 1996, AHIOS’s mission is to strengthen and enhance the health information management outsourcing industry while promoting excellence in the handling and dissemination of confidential patient-identifiable information. To this end, a large component of our work as an organization is involved with pursuing fair and equitable treatment of the industry through legislative, regulatory and legal processes.

Ultimately, our goal as an organization is to ensure that healthcare organizations will always have cost- effective resources for outsourcing their health information management functions — and that in outsourcing they gain not only fiscal relief but access to a cadre of specialists who have the industry’s most advanced training and tools at their disposal for safeguarding one of healthcare’s most precious and complex resources: confidential patient information. Still keep the link to our press release under AHIOS.


'Open Notes' Rule Delayed Until April

Implementation of the federal "Open Notes" rule granting patients immediate access to their clinical notes, originally slated for Monday, has been postponed until next spring, a Department of Health and Human Services official said....

"Open Notes" Rule Delayed Until April

Think offshoring PHI is safe? You may not be protected in the event of a breach

Hospitals and provider organizations now have to manage business associates that might share data or access to it with overseas vendors. Experts say OCR won't pursue foreign companies after a breach. That means all risk remains on HIPAA-covered entities...

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Empowering Patients with Their Health Record in a Modern Health IT Economy

The patient is at the center of the 21st Century Cures Act. Putting patients in charge of their health records is a key piece of patient control in health care, and patient control is at the center of HHS' work toward a value-based health care system...

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The Future of Interoperability

Most would agree that the aspirational goal─the ideal─for healthcare is an open and secure ecosystem where individual patients can access their data effortlessly through smart apps, and clinicians can access additional information from external systems efficiently and seamlessly...

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Telehealth and the HIM Professional’s Role: Relaxing of Rules for Telehealth Services due to COVID-19 Requires Strong Leadership

Health information management has seen many new processes quickly evolve during the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 forced the healthcare industry to change how healthcare is delivered, with telehealth taking a front row seat. Rules and regulations around telehealth are currently relaxed to accommodate this change in the interaction between patient and provider...

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